Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I had a dream where me and her went on a walk in a field, staring at the stars. I then told her
I'd give her the moon so while pretending to pull it I noticed it started to get closer to us, and as it got
closer I came to realize the moon being this close was not just a spectacular view but meant it would eventually break through our atmosphere! I stood there amazed and bewildered while wondering what was going to happen. As it started to break through our earth's atmosphere it started lifting up the land surrounding us. Then suddenly, it started flickering. Blinking into a purple symbol; the flower of life.

“We don’t know where we’re going, but we know we’re on the way. And, whatever we’ve got, we’ve got it.”

...and the kiss oh the we had was "uplifting"...

Flower of life: The combination of male and female energies. Creating unity between the two energies.

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The moon has now eclipsed the sun The angel has spread its wings The time has come for bitter things" - Marylon Manson: Cyptorchild

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